Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Gossip Girl Addiction

I almost forgot the pleasure of watching Gossip Girl until I found the season 2 DVDs and watched the show all over again. This show is different. It’s daring. It's not like anything I'm used to. It’s not One Tree Hill or Friends. It has this hint of complexity with the addition of all of what teenagers go through everyday – Upper East Side teenagers that is. I never understood the difference in cultures until I watched Gossip Girl. Watching Blair striving for Yale, Serena becoming a class A socailite, Chuck sleeping around, and Nate losing it all made me realize what a dissimilar society we live in. I think watching that show became a challenge for me. It was like, I was yearning to understand that almost dirty civilization that gang lives in, without letting it get under my skin. That was hard though. It’s not easy prohibiting Chuck Bass’s bad boy charm from taking you off guard. It’s definitely difficult not letting Nate’s blue eyes from making your legs weak. It’s also tricky not falling under Serena and Blair’s spell of becoming the ideal prep girls. On the other hand, watching their accomplishments and their many failures in love, school, and family hits home very well. As strange as they might be, they’re still adolescents trying to survive through their teenage years. They’re still kids trying to get the acceptance and the recognition of their family through everything they do. And that makes the whole show worthwhile. It’s so edgy and real that I can’t stop following it. I can’t stop myself from taking sides whenever a catfight goes on. I can’t stop myself from crossing my fingers whenever I see a sign of a romantic hookup. And I truthfully can’t stop myself from getting addicted to the show!

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