Thursday, July 1, 2010

We Did It! :))

It finally feels like it’s over. It finally feels like we’ve closed a page to open another. Yesterday was one of those days that will forever be printed in my head. It was definitely not the end of the journey; it was actually the beginning of another one. We were given this responsibility to start a new track of our own. We were given the responsibility to prosper and nourish in the environment where we feel we belong best. Even though saying goodbye is the probably the hardest thing we ever had to do, starting over with a new mission felt surreal. Knowing that it’s our job now to become leaders in our fields made each of smile genuinely. There a lot of people we should thank for finally getting there. There are a lot of people we should kneel to in gratitude. It all goes to our parents that we grew up to be the people we are today; who knows who would we have become if they hadn’t raised us the way they did. Thanking our administrators and our teachers is also inevitable, for they stood right by our side every step of the way believing that we could actually make it! And finally, we should thank each other being one strong unit that never let go of one another in the hard times. I think, it’s because of that thing in particular, we are strong people today.

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