Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Carole!

Just like today, on July 25, some years ago, a star – a soon-to-be legend – was born. Just like today, the world witnessed the birth of a stunning soul that was bound to accomplish her dreams no matter what stands in her way. She grew up with determination and ambition and proved that fulfilling what you hope for is easy if you’re persistent enough to accomplish it. She never comprised when it came to that dream. She never altered any of her principles so she could get there faster. Carole Samaha never waited for luck to knock on her door. She fought. She struggled really hard. But in the end, she got there. She became a stage queen that can woo any crowd that stands across her. What’s also impressive about that star is that every day she proves that her journey is no way near an end. Even though it might seem like there’s no more to achieve, she still dreams of higher pursuits. Her aspiration reaches no fin. Her fortitude will not be stopped by anyone because her sky is the limit – at the very least. She has become a controversial icon because she’s not like anyone else. She’s unique. She’s special. She speaks her mind when she has to, not afraid of the consequences; she believes that sometimes we should stand up for what we believe in no matter what.

Happy Birthday Carole, may you have blissful days to come & may you stay the shining star forever… In hopes that you will always have the courage to stay the person you are today and the serenity to overcome all obstacles. May this day bring better days to come when you'll find that ideal person that'll lift your soul to paradise and make you the happiest woman ever. Remember, though, you're the best, Carole, so never settle for less! You have always dedicated your talent to a much higher purpose. So in return, we all hope that God will show you the way towards all of your dreams because that's the least of what you honestly deserve. It's only fair to say in the end that your songs have helped us all through difficult times; they made us smile when all we wanted to do was cry. They empowered us. They made us better people. That’s why the least we can do is promise to stand by your side whenever. We promise to be your loyal fans till the end of your everlasting voyage. 3a2bel l meye :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Favorite Movies!

Sweet Home Alabama: There’s something about Reese Witherspoon being lost between two of Hollywood’s hottest men that makes this movie worthwhile. Stuck in a dilemma in which she has to choose the city boy, a guy that is simply her dream guy or the guy she loved and married but just wanted to get away from because he’s simply everything she hates about herself, Melanie finds herself rooting back herself in Alabama. You can take the city out of the South, but you just can’t take the South out of the girl!

Even though they share a kiss in a cemetery, Melanie and her husband Jake find their way into our hearts as easily as chocolate fudge! In the movie's final scene, Melanie and Jake kiss under the pouring rain. Does anyone wanna go "awwe" with me? :)

What I also love about this movie is the scene where Melanie punches her mother-in-law-to-be for insulting her mom. You go girl!

Out of 10, this movie is a 10!

"Generating the biggest opening of September, the film grossed over $35 million in its first weekend. By the end of its run in the U.S., Sweet Home Alabama grossed over $130 million and another $53,399,006 internationally." -Box Office Mojo.

Watch the trailer! :))

Along Came Polly: We've all loved Jennifer Aniston in the ditzy and spoilt role of Rachel, but Jennifer Aniston achieves her personal best when she plays a clumsy hippie. She’s corky and proud of it. It’s fun seeing Ben Stiller playing the serious and safe guy falling for THAT! It’s light. It’s funny. It’s entertaining to a really high extent!

"For the most cautious man on Earth, life is about to get interesting." ;)

The Academy Award winning actor, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, is a supporting actor in this movie playing a more believable character than the legendary Capote...but a nastier one. His disgusting moves throughout the movie make you flinch for a second and then smile it away.

And who can forget the blind

Thursday, July 1, 2010

We Did It! :))

It finally feels like it’s over. It finally feels like we’ve closed a page to open another. Yesterday was one of those days that will forever be printed in my head. It was definitely not the end of the journey; it was actually the beginning of another one. We were given this responsibility to start a new track of our own. We were given the responsibility to prosper and nourish in the environment where we feel we belong best. Even though saying goodbye is the probably the hardest thing we ever had to do, starting over with a new mission felt surreal. Knowing that it’s our job now to become leaders in our fields made each of smile genuinely. There a lot of people we should thank for finally getting there. There are a lot of people we should kneel to in gratitude. It all goes to our parents that we grew up to be the people we are today; who knows who would we have become if they hadn’t raised us the way they did. Thanking our administrators and our teachers is also inevitable, for they stood right by our side every step of the way believing that we could actually make it! And finally, we should thank each other being one strong unit that never let go of one another in the hard times. I think, it’s because of that thing in particular, we are strong people today.